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No New Posts encyclopedia - - 1 Viewing

This is where you find any important information regarding the website. Look here before you decide to join to make sure you know all the rules.

3 3 bird listings.
by fff
Feb 12, 2010 19:36:49 GMT -5
No New Posts announcements -

All the important news go here. Contests, newsletters, activity checks. Make sure to check back often in order to make sure you didn't miss anything.

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No New Posts suggestions -

Guest friendly. Do you have any ideas on how to make the site better? Post it here and the admins will see what can be done about it.

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No New Posts archives -

This is where any old or inactive threads go. If you would like to revive your thread from the archives board, then private message a moderator and request it to get moved back into a role-playing board.

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No New Posts accepted applications -

If your application is that good and you can't find it in the pending applications area, then most likely a moderator moved it here. Meaning, you can go ahead and post with your character.

4 7
No New Posts pending applications -

So you've read the rules and joined. Now what? Well, if you snag the snazzy application form and fill it out here, then you wait for a moderator to look it over and accept it.

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No New Posts interactions -

If you're bored, you can go ahead and make a plotting thread here. Character need a little romance in their lives? Well you'll probably end up finding their soul mate if you look here.

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No New Posts tracker -

One per member. Keep track of your characters in a nice little thread. It is a good reference for people who want to post with you as well (especially if they want to stalk the latest updates on your birds) so hurry up and make one.

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No New Posts cheska city -

Raptors are much less common here than small birds. This is a very populated city and finding a meal is a lot easier to find on the sidewalks here than in the wilderness. Although, the birds are constantly on high alert when people walk by and many times have to leave their food far behind and flap up to their safe haven: the skies.

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No New Posts skopos forest -

The vast array of many species of trees cover the area, it's an ideal shelter for many woodland creatures during storms. Owls are the most common species of avian here because of the abundance of rodents living here. Daylight is the safest time for these rodents; nightfall is an entirely different story.

1 20
No New Posts aguta glade -

This part of Cheska is quite spacious, just enough for a rather large bird of prey to fly through and pick off a smaller bird or a little creature nestled in a decaying log. For swifts and the like, theres plenty of shelter from the raptors and plenty of bugs to go around.

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No New Posts iluq ocean -

The water here is nice and cool, which is especially welcome on a hot day. Waterfowl are very common here and large raptors like eagles are here skimming the water for fish in the rushing river that dumps into this ocean. Of course, they could make a meal out of another bird too. If you really get under the surface, you'll find penguins. Yes, penguins. Theres plenty of fish to go around here which means penguins adore the deep water here.

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No New Posts akiak cliffside -

Bordering on the Iluq Ocean, this is a place where many birds nest in the cliffside caves. It isn't the best place to nest, however, especially if a curious hatchling accidentally gets too close to the edge and momma isn't watching.

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No New Posts ambrotos glacier -

A large drift of solid ice is the perfect place for those of you who'd rather stay away from the tropics. The ice is the perfect resting spot for a penguin or a hungry sea leopard. Okay, so it isn't the safest place in the world, but it's a safe haven for anyone who drifts too far out, be it a youngster, waterfowl or just a penguin chilling out.

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No New Posts chit-chat -

Talk about anything here! As long as you aren't breaking any rules, you can say whatever you'd like to your heart's content. Play games here if you'd like, too.

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No New Posts introduce yourself -

Are you the new kid around the block here? Cool! Now post here and tell us a little about yourself. We don't bite (except on days ending in -ay)

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No New Posts good-byes -

Going on vacation or maybe moving halfway across the world? Or maybe your parents just grounded you for eternity. Either way, post here so we know you haven't fallen off the face of the planet.

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No New Posts creativity -

Flaunt your talents here. Show off a piece of writing or a pretty picture. In the subboard under this board, you can make or order from a graphics shop!

Sub-board: graphic shops -

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No New Posts advertise - - 1 Viewing

Put an advertisement of your forum here. Please do not affiliate in this board, however, because we have a board for that. Oh, and please don't put your advertisement up more than once.

Sub-boards: first time -, linking back -

18 18 Ataxia: a Warriors RP
by Stormy
Sept 10, 2017 16:13:08 GMT -5
No New Posts affiliate - - 1 Viewing

Want to go up in our affiliation table? Post here and if ours is already up, we'll add yours to ours. If you go inactive, we will be forced to remove your banner from our table.

Sub-board: accepted affiliates -

1 1 Our Affiliate !
by fff
Feb 13, 2010 10:25:19 GMT -5


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